Gerry Smyth
Humanities and Social Science
Humanities and Social Science
Learn about the bursaries and scholarships offered by Liverpool John Moores University to support students during their degree.
Contact LJMU’s Student Futures Team for careers advice via our Careers Zones. You can phone, email, or submit an online contact form.
See the international entry requirements for students from USA wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.
Nursing and Advanced Practice
At the Liverpool Business School, we offer tailored CPD programmes and masterclasses designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and competencies of your workforce.
Driving transformation in player tracking technology and elite player preparation across the football industry
International collaborations
Explore the The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education's research cluster into teacher education and development for schooling and learning improvement.
Biomedical Science Research Group is focused on diseases, disease states and diagnostics of diseases. Our expertise includes: biochemistry, cell culture, toxicology, microbiology, cell imaging and molecular biology. Find out more about our research, typical projects, our researchers and how to get in touch.