Search the LJMU website

  1. How do I buy (including i-Buy)

    Procurement services have responsibility for developing the LJMU procurement strategy, financial regulations, i-buy and supporting LJMU schools and service teams to achieve value for money and best practice in obtaining goods and services.

  2. Academic Policy

    Academic policies: Academic Feedback Policy, Briefing Sheet, E-Submission Policy, Placement Learning Code of Practice, Peer review and teaching observation, Marking of Anonymised Coursework, Marking of Anonymised Examination Scripts, Personal Tutor Policy, Postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching in HE (PGCertLTHE)

  3. Job Grading and Pay

    Find our more about job grading and pay at Liverpool John Moores University

  4. Art – interviews with women activists in Nepal

    As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women who are changing the world of art and other creative ventures in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of these women's unique and inspirational lives.

  5. Benefits

    Explore the benefits available to students at Liverpool John Moores University, including financial support and advice.

  6. Student Recruitment Marketing and Admissions

    Student Recruitment Marketing and Admissions is a newly-formed professional services directorate committed to transforming lives and futures through the promotion of opportunities to study at LJMU.

  7. Generic job descriptions

    A number of generic job descriptions have been developed to assist departments in writing job descriptions for frequently occurring roles and to enable swifter grading turnaround times for these posts.