Search the LJMU website

  1. Jobs and vacancies at LJMU

    Find out more about current jobs we have as well as information regarding the opportunities and benefits we have to offer for all of our employees.

  2. Public information

    You'll find LJMU policies and documents related to: Academic Quality and Regulations, Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Equality and Diversity, Financial Information, Governance, Strategic Plan, Student Regulations and Sustainability.

  3. Steve Hawkins

    Read the oration for Steve Hawkins on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.

  4. Postgraduate study with LOOM

    LOOM is accepting PhD applicants who wish to carry out research into the design and operation of large engineering systems, as well as research on operational research, including simulation, optimisation and evolutionary computation. Learn more about postgraduate study at LOOM and recently completed PhD projects.

  5. Beyond Liverpool

    Liverpool is an ideal location for exploring the rest of the UK. You can leave Liverpool in the morning and head out to spend the day in Wales, Yorkshire, the Lake District, or even London and still be home for dinner.

  6. About LiRICS

    The Liverpool Research Institute for Climate and Sustainability (LiRICS) aims to accelerate interdisciplinary sustainability (especially climate action) research with impactful solutions for economic, legal, educational, environmental, and infrastructural systems.