Liverpool Short Film Festival attracts massive interest
Student organised festival receives 3,000 films from 15 countries
Student organised festival receives 3,000 films from 15 countries
As part of Pensions Awareness Week, Merseyside Pension Fund will be running a series of live online events which aim to increase pensions awareness among active members of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).
Following a recent review of LJMU staff car parking provision, the university will continue to subsidise staff car parking until 31 August 2023.
Liverpool City Council will shortly begin the process of demolishing the Churchill Way flyovers.
LJMU are completing key actions within the Carbon Management Plan by installing renewable energy technologies across the university estate.
That LJMU is the most popular university in Britain for Northern Irish students is hardly a surprise.
Monday 10 October is World Mental Health Day 2022 and this year's theme is to 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'.
This is the first bespoke welcome programme catered for International New Arrivals.
Election of a new Teaching member of staff to the Board of Governors
Each year applications are invited for the conferment of Professorships and Readerships and the process for 2022 is now open.