English all at sea over fish identification - try our 'Name That Tuna' quiz
Lack of consumer awareness makes conservation of fish stocks more challenging - research
Lack of consumer awareness makes conservation of fish stocks more challenging - research
Students, academics and professionals discuss #breakingthebias
LJMU has long prided itself on offering access to higher education to under-represented sections of our community.
The year 9 pupils from Liverpool's Holly Lodge Girls College spent two days working alongside world-class scientists in physiology, biomechanics and sport and exercise psychology, as well as current LJMU students, to gain expert insight into sport science research methodology.
The School of Law held a discussion day on Tuesday on Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine for people to learn more about the legal context of the war.
On the eve of this year's Eurovision song contest, LJMU Astrophysics Professor Andy Newsam analyses the UKs Space Man entry and ponders how the lyrics stand up in the real universe.
More than 100 schoolgirls heard from LJMU astrophysicists during a special British Science Week event that celebrated the contribution of women in STEM.
Liverpool School of Art and Designs Dr Patricia MacKinnon-Day is celebrated in a new publication that traces a decade of her work telling the stories of rural women through art and autoethnography.
LJMUs Dr Susan Grant has spent the last decade researching and tracing the history of nursing care in the Soviet Union, with her discoveries now documented in a new publication Soviet Nightingales: Care under Communism.
Experts say impact of parental imprisonment on children 'profound'