Cyber security expert gives evidence to UK inquiry
Dr Aine Mac Dermott, senior lecturer in cyber security and digital forensics, gives evidence to the Science, Innovation and Technology Select Committee in aftermath of Southport riots.
Dr Aine Mac Dermott, senior lecturer in cyber security and digital forensics, gives evidence to the Science, Innovation and Technology Select Committee in aftermath of Southport riots.
See the production - Fireflies - at the university’s drama studio on Thursday 30 May and Friday 31 May.
Liverpool Business School report offers guidance on principles and projects to maximise social value of higher education
An LJMU Social Work student has received national recognition after winning a top prize at the prestigious Social Worker of the Year Awards.
WHO and LJMU joint report on childhood trauma
February is LGBT+ History Month. Here our Diversity and Inclusion team explains what the month means, how we are marking it at LJMU and the support and networks available for students and staff.
LJMU Computer Science students attended the Department’s second annual Christmas Social Event on 12th December 2018
LJMUs Dr Susan Grant has spent the last decade researching and tracing the history of nursing care in the Soviet Union, with her discoveries now documented in a new publication Soviet Nightingales: Care under Communism.
Thirteen second-year Drama students from Liverpool Screen School have, in collaboration with History academics and students from the School of Humanities and Social Science, produced an original show to be performed during anniversary events across the city in May.
Members of the LJMU community are actively engaged in the fight for racial equality.