Financial Information
Policies related to LJMU's financial information including: Financial Statements, Finance Strategy, Policy and Guidance and Online Payments.
Policies related to LJMU's financial information including: Financial Statements, Finance Strategy, Policy and Guidance and Online Payments.
The purpose of the Being Lean and Seen project is to advance project management knowledge with the end goal of helping people deliver successful projects.
Do you have a question about accommodation? You're likely to find the answer in our FAQs section.
On occasions, staff incur expenses, most often in relation to travel, and they are entitled to reimbursement. The University will reimburse actual and reasonable business related expenditure in accordance with the maximum rates specified within the Inland Revenue dispensation.
LJMU staff credit cards expenses
VAT on Overseas transactions
External Examiner payments/fees are received and processed through the Doctoral Academy based in the Aquinas building. Please contact them for further information.
Lifestyles Corporate Membership
Find out more about the Seal Request Form for project work.