Jack O'Farrell
Liverpool Business School
Liverpool Business School
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
At LJMU, find diverse support services for your needs, including crisis help, wellbeing advisors, and workshops. Contact us or explore our online resources.
The Contemporary Art Lab's digital creative research relates to the relationship between technology and culture, as well as the way meaning unfolds through new computational forms.
Every year, researchers from ART LABS publish over 50 publications. Staff create publications within a number of key disciplines, including: contemporary art, 3D digital art, the uses of art and cultural enrichment, exhibitions and curatorship, as well as design discourse and practice.
Student Futures offers LJMU students career talks, workshops, and activities focused on Sustainability and Green Jobs. Explore our opportunities today.
The Institute of Art and Technology is a pioneering research centre that conducts varied research into art and design. From designs disclosure to 3D digital art, the Institute of Art and Technology enhances artistic research and technologies.
Members of staff from the Institute of Art and Technology are experts within the fields of art, design and technology.
Meet the Liverpool School of Art and Design's academic staff members.
Nursing and Advanced Practice