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  1. About PROTECT

    The Research Centre for Critical Infrastructure Computer Technology and Protection (PROTECT) specialises in: security to safeguard systems against cyber-attacks, networking to support the systems’ distributed operations, game techniques, as well as software engineering and artificial intelligence. Learn more about PROTECT's research specialisms and the Centre's research groups.

  2. PROTECT staff

    Find out more about the staff from the Mechanical Engnineering and Materials Research Centre. Read the MEMARC researchers profiles, publications and contact details.

  3. UK-MUC contacts

    UK Malaysia University Consortium secretariat and Member contact information.

  4. Liverpool City Council

    Discover how Liverpool City Council benefited from working with LJMU's staff, students and resources as they delivered a series of Adult Social Care Courses.

  5. Study Public Health

    Our Health and Social Care, Public Health and Environmental Health degrees will give you the knowledge and skills to shape both policy and interventions.

  6. CPD Research in Health and Social Care

    Examine a range of research methods used in health and social care practice and develop skills in the critical evaluation of research literature in this CPD course.

  7. CPD Research in Health and Social Care

    Examine a range of research methods used in health and social care practice and develop skills in the critical evaluation of research literature in this CPD course.