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  1. Dame Gillian Oliver

    Read the oration for Dame Gillian Oliver on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  2. Children's reading corner

    The Children's Reading Corner provides a space and resources for education students, early years practitioners, and the wider community.

  3. Publications

    The Reimagining Conflict: Pedagogy, Policy and Arts Group publish a number of publications relating to veterans and conflict. See the Group's journals, chapters and and editions.

  4. Turkey

    See the international entry requirements for students from Turkey wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.

  5. Honorary Fellows 2004

    Find out more about the Fellows Liverpool John Moores University honoured in 2004 including; His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Sue Johnston OBE, Claire Dove OBE, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE, Gillian Reynolds MBE, Frank Cottrell Boyce and Dr John Roberts CBE.

  6. LIFE Institute Steering Group

    The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education has an extensive record of conducting educational research that has been influential locally, nationally and internationally.

  7. Honorary Fellows 2006

    Find out more about the Fellows Liverpool John Moores University honoured in 2006 including; Sir Antony Gormley, Lech Walesa, Steve Williams, Barry Owen OBE, Angela Frier MBE, Gordon McGregor Reid, Phil Swash, Lord Ernest Oxburgh, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston CBE, Rt. Hon Lady Justice Mary Arden, Johnny Ball, Roy Morris CBE and Dame Gillian Oliver.