Where can I volunteer?
From health and education to environmental causes and overseas opportunities, explore the diverse volunteering options for LJMU students and staff.
From health and education to environmental causes and overseas opportunities, explore the diverse volunteering options for LJMU students and staff.
Award-winning LJMU graduate Jenna Campbell shares the ups and downs of her journey to becoming a screenwriter.
We are always trying to make our research transferable to the intended population. Therefore, the Coaching and Pedagogy Research team are busy engaging in creating edited books, book chapters, blogs, podcasts, and online webinars.
Get in touch with the Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory team to find out more about how we can help your business reach its low carbon targets.
Learn about the bursaries and scholarships offered by Liverpool John Moores University to support students during their degree.
Find out more information about the Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group which aims to take a multidisciplinary approach to developing research in the areas of coaching and teacher education, pedagogical approaches to practice and issues linking to social justice and equality, diversity and inclusion.
Explore LJMU's commitment to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion within the university and the local community.
Our research aims to make positive changes to coach, teacher and practitioner development and inform policy and practice to improve people’s lives. We provide multidisciplinary approaches to our research with the aim of solving real world problems and pride ourselves in collaborating with industry partners.
View and find out more about the members of the Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group.
See the Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group's publications.