UK Malaysia University Consortium
UK-MUC is aimed to promote mutual understanding on a global scale by expanding international higher education in terms of teaching, research and knowledge exchange between the UK and Malaysia.
UK-MUC is aimed to promote mutual understanding on a global scale by expanding international higher education in terms of teaching, research and knowledge exchange between the UK and Malaysia.
Delve into the mind to unearth the patterns behind behaviour or learn how to help elite athletes to remove psychological barriers. Explore psychology courses.
Discover how you can study public health in a multidisciplinary and research-informed learning environment at LJMU.
The Public Health Institute delivers the intelligence and evidence to inform public health policy and practice.
Explore LJMU's School of Psychology.
LJMU will host an Experimental Psychology Society workshop entitled: Modularity in Time Perception and Timed Behaviour on 19 January 2017.
Research is a key priority for the School of Psychology. We collaborate with academics across the world. FInd out more about the research the School of PSychology at LJMU undertakes.
Exploring the impact of creative transpersonal psychology practices in person-centred coaching
MSc Forensic and Investigative Psychology interview information for applicants.
Find out more information about the teaching and learning opportunities for the UK and Malaysia Universities.