Search the LJMU website

  1. Postgraduate study at Liverpool Business School

    With a range of full and part time Business and Management courses available, Liverpool Business School provides the perfect platform for you to progress your career. Realise your business potential by gaining the skills and qualifications you need to take you to the next level.

  2. John Lennon 1940-1980

    As one quarter of the most influential band of all time, The Beatles, John Lennon spent time in the late 1950s at our College of Art and is one of our most celebrated failures.

  3. Liverpool Screen School careers support

    As a graduate from the Liverpool Screen School a wide variety of career opportunities could be open to you. Find out what careers you could secure and how, through placements and events, the School will help boost your employability.

  4. Facilities – Liverpool Screen School

    Find out about the facilities we provide students and staff with, including first-rate media production equipment, industry-standard newsrooms, radio studios and production suites,

  5. Volunteering in schools

    LJMU works with a number of schools and colleges to provide opportunities to help pupils with their maths or English, work as a teaching assistant, mentor, after school club facilitators or offer subject support.

  6. Research - School of Justice Studies

    Research is a central and hugely fundamental part of the School of Justice Studies at LJMU. Our experienced and knowledgeable researchers have the expertise that allow us to produce meaningful work, which ultimately feeds directly into wider policies and practice.

  7. School of Education

    The School of Education is a dynamic and diverse group of people who share a deep commitment to the investigation and enhancement of educational experiences of individuals, families and communities in a wide range of settings and in collaboration with many different partners.