Fragkoulis Papagiannis
Liverpool Business School
Liverpool Business School
The Centre for Natural Products Discovery is concerned with preventing and curing disease. Find out about all aspects of phytochemical and phytotherapy research, as well as some modernised aspects of pharmacognosy.
The Holistic Built Environment research theme is focused on sustainability related research problem including legal, social, economic, engineering, and management related aspects of Built Environment using novel approaches like digitalisation, Digital Twin, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality and offsite manufacturing techniques.
LCEI’s grant funding is allocated to eligible businesses that wish to invest in low carbon tech or equipment that will allow their operation to reduce its carbon emissions.
Liverpool Business School
Find out more about Liverpool Business School's International Business Management and Strategy Research (IMBMS) Group, the purpose of the IBMS group is to bring together academics with interest in international business, management and strategy.
The Finance team hold personal data of students and their sponsors, staff and anyone else who we make a payment to. The types of Personal data held include names, addresses, Dates of Birth, bank details, salary information, National Insurance numbers, union membership and contributions, pension membership and contributions, and maternity information. In some cases CV’s may need to be retained.
Liverpool Business School
Liverpool Business School
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering