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  1. University structure

    Understand the organisational structure of LJMU, including academic faculties, departments, and administrative services.

  2. UK Malaysia University Partnership Grants

    The British Council Malaysia provide seed-funding to UK-MUC Members in the form of UK-Malaysia University Partnership Grants, with the aim of facilitating collaborations among UK and Malaysian institutions in key areas of priority.

  3. Obi Okeke

    Obi Okeke was Third Mate for Elder Dempster Lines. In his interview, Obi talks about why he joined Elder Demspter Lines, about his time at the University of Southampton and what it was like on board in bad weather conditions.

  4. School of Law

    The School of Law delivers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes within Law and Criminal Justice to its 1200 plus students. In addition to our programmes, we are also known for our pro bono activities, our innovative research and our excellent links with the legal community.

  5. Volunteering

    Discover how you can participate in volunteering at LJMU and make a difference on campus and in the community.

  6. Fitness to Practise - Faculty of Science

    For some professional programmes the University is required to make a judgement on a students' fitness to practise a certain range of skills and professional behavior. This is entirely separate from any academic judgment issues that the University is required to make.