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  1. Wireless network privacy notice

    This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information whenever you connect to a wireless network at LJMU.

  2. Nursing

    Within the Nursing Research Group, our health and social care research is helping to transform people's lives for the better. Our expertise includes: technology in healthcare, specific topics relevant to children, young people and families; the outcomes of health and social care education, healthcare delivery, and resilience in modern living. Find out about our current collaborations and projects.

  3. Transformation Change Project

    The Transformation Change Project is currently underway at Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, under the categories of acute, community and crisis. The aim is to complete a comprehensive evaluation of these changes, using a mixed methods approach.

  4. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

    AMT is a world-leading research group which has focused on manufacturing technology since the 1970s. Read more about our projects, facilities, how to contact us, the funding we receive and information on how AMTReL can help your business.

  5. Darren Henley

    Read the oration for Darren Henley on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Vasily Petrenko.