Christopher Williams
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Take a look at the Abstract Book for the European Conference on Behavioural Biology 2018.
Information about Liverpool for those attending the ASC 2023 conference.
This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course will provide you with an understanding of clinical knowledge and skills that are relevant to the needs of healthcare professionals working with medicines in oncology and to facilitate professional development.
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Find out more about the LJMU Sport Building. Find out how to join the gym, see the fitness classes available, how you can hire our facilities and more about the sport participation programme.
Sedentary behaviour expert, Sophie Carter, explains why binge watching TV is detrimental to your health.
This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course will provide you with an understanding of clinical knowledge and skills that are relevant to the needs of healthcare professionals working with medicines in oncology and to facilitate professional development.
Read the orations for Gillian Miller and Kevin Fearon on the award of their Honorary Fellowship form LJMU, the University's highest honour.