Travelling to St George's Hall
Here you will find information about travelling to St George's Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us
Here you will find information about travelling to St George's Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us
Tina Purkis is the Director of LJMU’s Human resources department.
The Health and Safety Unit provide training courses for LJMU staff and students. Details are contained in the Training Planner. Bespoke training can also be arranged.
Aurora Programme
View our Annual Report and Action plan
The Course Catalogue contains approved versions of LJMU-validated programmes and modules delivered by LJMU and its collaborative partners. By default, the catalogue will display the version of the programme and module for the current academic year – other years may be selected.
See how relaxation techniques can help you feel less stressed, improve your sleep quality, increase your concentration and memory, and reduce symptoms of anxiety.
Regular exercise will help keep you in shape, it also keeps you mentally and emotionally healthy. Keeping fit is proven to help reduce anxiety, stress and depression, and research suggests that exercise can improve the symptoms of mild depression and even prevent a relapse. Find out more about getting regular exercise.
Find out more about updating your profile photo. We have begun publishing all staff and student security card photos into AD/Azure. This means that the images will appear in Office 365, specifically Outlook and Teams.