See the international entry requirements for students from Malawi wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.
See the international entry requirements for students from Malawi wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.
Find out ore about LiRICS’s interdisciplinary research networks.
Nickianne worked at LJMU for just short of 30 years, teaching on and then leading the university’s Media and Cultural Studies provision. Sadly, she died in 2019 following a period of illness, leaving behind a multitude of memories and legacies for students and academics alike.
If you’re considering life as an undergraduate student, in this section you can search for degree courses, register for an open day, learn more about fees and funding (including grants, loans and financial support) and order a prospectus.
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
See the international entry requirements for students from Mexico wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.
Find out why Joshua McDowell decided to take up postgraduate study.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research Centre
School of Justice Studies
A published statement of adoption of the best practices recommended in the spin-out review.