Adam Papworth
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Find out more about the Honorary Fellows awarded in 2019 Rod Hill, Paul Nolan, Alex Brooker, Mark Lawler, Nisha Katona MBE, Janet Dugdale, Mike Houghton
CPD course designed to enhance your effective leadership and team working skills through action learning.
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Log in to the Hireserve Manager Portal aimed at streamlining the recruitment process for Hiring Managers the Portal will aloow you to see, in real-time, where vacancies are up to in the portal and have immediate access to applications when they come in, making shortlisting easier and reducing your time to hire.
Find out more about LJMU's Whistleblowing Policy.
School of Psychology
Nursing and Allied Health
Astrophysics Research Institute
Astrophysics Research Institute