Search the LJMU website

  1. Student Complaints

    Policies relating to LJMU's Student Complaints: Guidance notes for students, Hearing Protocol, Protocol for investigating officers, Student Complaint form, Student complaints procedure.

  2. Jack Fitzpatrick

    Jack is an LJMU graduate, who as someone living with a disability, has found great support during his studies and fantastic mentors at the university.

  3. Mission and Strategy

    Find out LJMU's mission and strategy for the university's future, including our 2030 strategy.

  4. Forensic research networks

    The Forensic Research Institute run six research networks covering a wide range of specialisms, each competing nationally and globally for funding to pioneer cutting-edge scholarship.

  5. Adam Vasco

    Adam is a former education lecturer who progressed LJMU’s links with underrepresented Black communities in Liverpool, giving them confidence to seek out higher education opportunities.

  6. Demitri Markavo

    Business and law foundation year student Demitri moved from Afghanistan to study in Liverpool with LJMU. He is one of hundreds of international students that study here every year and find a home in our city.

  7. 'Living with...' Workshops

    Join our workshops to explore mental health issues through expert talks and interactive sessions, hosted on Zoom.