A to Z of HR policies, guidelines, forms and templates
A-Z of Employment Policies and Guidelines and Forms
A-Z of Employment Policies and Guidelines and Forms
Celebrating womanhood is an online book that highlights the work being done by inspirational women in Nepal.
The Faculty of Science Placement Learning Support Unit can provide you with an excellent opportunity to enhance your employability skills and gain an insight into an industry or sector you are interested in.
See the LJMU Principles of Partnership.
These webpages provide information for students who have been sexually assaulted or raped. They give information on the things you might want to consider to enable you to make an informed choice about what to do.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women who are changing the world of art and other creative ventures in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of these women's unique and inspirational lives.
View the Faces of Merseyside facial images based on the occupations and interests of Merseyside people.
The LJMU Women Professors Network is for all female academics at Professorial level.
Find out more about what the Environmental Management team do
Policies related to freedom of information: Appeals and complaints, Frequently asked questions for the public, LJMU Freedom of Information Act Policy and Procedure, LJMU Publication Scheme.