Diverse Futures: LJMU Sponsorship Programme for ethnically diverse staff
LJMU’s Diverse Futures Sponsorship Programme connects ethnically diverse staff with senior leaders to foster career growth, inclusive leadership, and networking opportunities.
LJMU’s Diverse Futures Sponsorship Programme connects ethnically diverse staff with senior leaders to foster career growth, inclusive leadership, and networking opportunities.
Find out more about the Reciprocal Mentoring Programme at LJMU.
Find out more about the positive action training scheme that helps LJMU employ more local people of colour.
These Diversity and Inclusion MicroLearning Resources are available to all LJMU Staff and Students, providing you with valuable information on various topics, and keeping you updated with relevant information and supporting materials.
Liverpool John Moores University joined the Athena SWAN charter in 2014 and was first presented with an Institutional Bronze award in 2014, in recognition of ongoing work relating to gender equality. Since then, LJMU had a second successful submission of their Institutional Bronze award in 2017.
Sports and Exercise Science Athena Swan
Liverpool John Moores University joined the Race Equality charter in 2022 and was first presented with an Institutional Bronze Award in 2022, in recognition of ongoing work relating to race equality.
Find more information about the Race Equality Charter Survey and your privacy.
This compilation of best practices in diversity and inclusion, sourced from the project funds dedicated to this cause, will serve as a key resource for essential materials and research aimed at fostering inclusive workplaces and communities.
This project investigated the experiences of white British male students from low higher education participation areas at Liverpool John Moores University in the academic year 2023/24.