Search the LJMU website

  1. Are you feeling homesick?

    35% of new students experience homesickness. Find out top tips on overcoming homesickness and how to get support.

  2. Securing the future of Remembrance Day

    With younger generations finding it increasingly difficult to relate to the World Wars, LJMU is working to secure the future of Remembrance Day through two innovative, nationally-funded, research projects.

  3. New Staff Gardening Group

    The School of Biological & Environmental Sciences has been working on a project to improve Byrom Street Campus with 10 urban wildlife gardens.

  4. Women In Leadership: What Does It Take For Women To Rise To The Top? (Event Invite - 26th Feb 2020)

    After 33 years of service, Julie Lloyd (Executive HR Director at LJMU) retires from the University. Julie is passionate about the progression of women in the workplace and has always advocated for more women in the boardroom - In her talk, Julie will explore the critical issues as to why we are not seeing more women in top positions and offer tips and strategies for overcoming the challenges to womens advancement and career progression.

  5. Research project into slavery

    LJMU is offering an opportunity to collaborate on a research project to examine the university’s historical associations with slavery.