Making Transatlantic Connections
Find out more about LJMU's partnership with Southern Connecticut State University and two recent international field trips
Find out more about LJMU's partnership with Southern Connecticut State University and two recent international field trips
A year before Liverpool Polytechnic became Liverpool John Moores University, another major change happened at the institution. In April 1991, the Liverpool School of Nursing and Midwifery amalgamated with the Poly, laying the foundations for today’s School of Nursing and Allied Health.
The sun shone on the third day of LJMU's 2016 Summer Graduation Ceremonies at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 13 July.
The first day of LJMU's 2016 Summer Graduation Ceremonies kick off at Liverpool Cathedral on Monday 11 July.
The Ambassador of Togo visited LJMU recently to establish academic, research and business links between LJMU and Liverpool city region and the Universities and businesses in Togo.
The 2022 RKE Conference, hosted by the Faculty of Health, culminated in a ceremony for the Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence
LJMU has launched a new website hub to help support students through the rising costs of living, including help and advice, plus the financial support available from LJMU and JMSU and how to apply for it.
See nominees for Liverpool School of Art & Design prize as online MA Show goes live
Monday 19 September is now a bank holiday. View the updated welcome week/freshers 22 schedule here
We've got an exciting schedule full of activities and events for you this September!