Can we turn the tide for orangutans in 2016?
Assisting conservationists in combating primate extinction threats
Assisting conservationists in combating primate extinction threats
Civil Engineering and Built Environment partner construction firm Wienerberger
New and improved Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) for Module Leaders is now available on Webhub.
The Absolute Chemistry team are passionate about working with schools from across the Liverpool City Region and supporting opportunities to raise their aspirations around studying science after high school.
Psychologist Valentina Cazzato collaborates with Edge Hill in AHRC-funded project to understand the neuroscience of dance as therapy
Liverpool Business School leads collaborative project to magnify impact of business learners on society
The Institute for Cultural Capital (ICC), a collaboration between LJMU and the University of Liverpool, is conducting research to establish the role arts organisations play in their communities and nationally.
A Liverpool delegation including Eddie Blanco-Davis, from LJMU’s Faculty of Engineering and Technology flew to Panama at the behest of the UK embassy in Panama to attend the official launch of the £3.9bn expansion of the Panama Canal.
Since 2020 Professor Simone Krüger Bridge has partnered with Liverpool Cathedral to study the impact of its music outreach initiatives.
The award recognises LJMU’s work on diversity and inclusion including the creation of a Diversity Reporting Guide and a planned Diversity in Journalism Teaching symposium.