Study 'solves mystery' of shifts in physical appearance of ancient Nubians
The shift from hunter-gatherer to farmer likely explains evolutionary jumps in appearance amongst many ancient peoples, says a new study.
The shift from hunter-gatherer to farmer likely explains evolutionary jumps in appearance amongst many ancient peoples, says a new study.
This year, LJMU s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team in partnership with LJMUs Women Academics Network, reached out to departments to find out what they were doing to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD) 2021... Read on to find out what is going on in your area!
Ground-breaking computational methods will be used by a team of researchers to advance the access of historical collections and study the history of Early Colonial Mexico.
A GENETIC test developed at LJMU could have a dramatic effect on how the UK polices illegal fishing.
Researchers have developed a new approach to machine learning that mimics humans ability to learn how to learn.
One of the driest places on Earth has intermittently been a 'green corridor' for human migration due to historical periods of increased rainfall, according to new research.
An anthropologist at Liverpool John Moores University and other researchers have played down links between modern Asian physiology and a recently discovered early human species, Denisova hominins.
The competition for scholarly snaps will take place again at this year's Research and Innovation Day on Wednesday 19th June. To be a part of this competition please submit your pictures by Wednesday 5th June.
First comprehensive advice on 'true' and 'false' side effects
Scientists at the Astrophysics Research Institute are shedding light on one of the brightest events in the history of the Universe.