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  1. Free to Write

    Exploring the relationship between the written word and prison

  2. Simulated evolution of the Universe

    A study conducted by an international team of astrophysicists, including Dr Rob Crain and Dr Ian McCarthy from the LJMU Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI), has emerged as one of the major research highlights of 2015.

  3. Lessons from Nepal in Liverpool

    Liverpool John Moores University hosted the highly prestigious 14th British Nepal Academic Council (BNAC) Conference on 14th and 15th April 2016.

  4. 'Modern slavery is a global issue'

    The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery is marked on 2 December. Dr Scott Foster, Reader in Post Graduate Research Culture, spoke to our Diversity and Inclusion team.

  5. Graduation review Tuesday 10 July

    The Liverpool Business School and the School of Law graduated today, while Dr Steve Garnett was given an Honorary Fellowship in recognition of outstanding achievement in the use of technology in social change