Harvard course open to Liverpool Business School postgraduates
We spoke to the lecturer working with a global network of management experts
We spoke to the lecturer working with a global network of management experts
More than 100 people from 12 countries gathered in-person and online for a two-day global symposium hosted by LJMU's Liverpool Business School and Social Value UK.
Every city tells a story: Hype and legacy of event-led cultural regeneration
INVITE: Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Plus (LGBT+) History Month Event (2020)
LJMU joins forces with Spanish astronomy institute to develop the world’s largest robotic telescope
Students from Liverpool Business School recently joined a host of international delegates from the fields of politics, business and society to take part in the Horasis global meeting as part of the International Festival of Business (IFB) 2016.
Scientists from LJMU's Astrophysics Research Institute part of team to discover Earth's nearest Black Hole
Government calls on expertise of LJMU plant biologist for energy solution
More than 125 people took part in workshops and discussions on inclusive menstruation
Throughout February and March, Library Services is running a range of events and activities.