How do we create better opportunities for young people?
Social mobility, levelling up and what employers want from graduates are among the topics at a high profile event being hosted by Liverpool John Moores University.
Social mobility, levelling up and what employers want from graduates are among the topics at a high profile event being hosted by Liverpool John Moores University.
Ria Mistry, a second year Civil Engineering student at LJMU, beat off tough competition to make the shortlist out of almost 4,000 undergraduate students.
First UK study to look at psychological birth trauma and long-term effects on coping with drink
Disability History Month begins this week (16 November- 16 December) and LJMU has a range of events, careers advice sessions and support available for students.
Dr Fiona Armstrong-Gibbs, of Liverpool Business School, surveys the capacity and culture in Liverpool for rapid business growth
Thursday 16 July 2015
Over 50 school pupils came to LJMU to enjoy a day in the labs, as part of the Salters' Festival of Chemistry.
Liverpool John Moores University is supporting a brand new science and discovery centre aimed at inspiring children and young people.
Genetic analysis of ancient DNA from a six-week-old female infant found at an Interior Alaska archaeological site, has revealed a previously unknown population of ancient people in North America.
Our LJMU Equality team explains why the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls is important, and the support available here at LJMU.