Meet our Associate Deans Global Engagement
LJMU has appointed five senior academics to act as international 'ambassadors' for each of our five faculties.
LJMU has appointed five senior academics to act as international 'ambassadors' for each of our five faculties.
On the eve of this year's Eurovision song contest, LJMU Astrophysics Professor Andy Newsam analyses the UKs Space Man entry and ponders how the lyrics stand up in the real universe.
Celebrating it's 10th anniversary LightNight returns on Friday 17 May 2019, unlocking the doors of Liverpool’s best-loved and lesser-known arts, culture and heritage venues late into the night.
Researchers from LJMU’s Astrophysics Research Institute and School of Sport and Exercise Sciences supported the live in-flight call with British astronaut Tim Peake, which took place at Liverpool’s World Museum.
Daniel Perley and collaborators describe only third Black Hole 'tidal event' on astronomical record in the journal Nature
World Mental Health Day is observed annually on 10 October with the main objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilising efforts in support of mental health.
Link-up comes after successful fact-finding trip
A European Youth Parliament (EYP) regional debating event was hosted on campus on Wednesday 28 February, organised by LJMU students Rachael Carroll and Zoe Woodward.
Scientists take project to city industry as partnership builds to launch
LJMU Outreach has welcomed 25 young people from 12 schools across the North West to its annual Year 10 residential, targeted specifically at those in local authority or residential care.