Sustainability engagement and events
Find out more about our upcoming sustainability events and activities at LJMU.
Find out more about our upcoming sustainability events and activities at LJMU.
This week Chris Mackintosh and Milly Blundell have generously agreed to share their experiences of delivering a module using a flipped learning methodology.
The Marketing, Consumption, Social Engagement and Entrepreneurship Research Group looks into marketing in technology and digital business, consumerism, social engagement and sustainability, entrepreneurship, civic leadership, and business decision making in SMEs. Find out more about our work, our research team, and who we collaborate with.
Liverpool Screen School
Whether you’ve considered postgraduate in the past or didn’t think it was right for you, why not log on to our live Q&A sessions 15/16 June and talk to our tutors and students about how postgraduate study could transform your future?
Abbie is a senior research engineer at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) having spent nine years studying at LJMU. A last-minute switch from studying pharmacy to civil engineering has seen her career take a whole different direction.
Since graduating, Robert Wild has worked as a mechanical design engineer, helped design a robotic arm and was awarded UK Nuclear Graduate of the Year. Get career inspiration and see where an engineering degree could take you.
See the international entry requirements for students from Switzerland wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.
See the international entry requirements for students from Mauritius wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.
The University Women in the Professional services (WPS) is for all female staff in professional services at all levels. Established in 2022 we see the Network as taking a fundamental role to the University strategic mission and to become a visible and proactive consultative group on issues of gender diversity.