Mark Scott
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Read more about the Luminary Lecture Series at Liverpool School of Art and Design. The Series presents the work of leading practitioners in art and design.
Learn more about the Corporate governance and insolvency conference 2020.
Within the Nursing Research Group, our health and social care research is helping to transform people's lives for the better. Our expertise includes: technology in healthcare, specific topics relevant to children, young people and families; the outcomes of health and social care education, healthcare delivery, and resilience in modern living. Find out about our current collaborations and projects.
Cellular and Molecular Physiology of Lifelong Health has expertise in human exercise physiology, experimental models of muscle adaptation and state-of-the-art mass spectrometry for proteomic and metabolomic studies.
AMT is a world-leading research group which has focused on manufacturing technology since the 1970s. Read more about our projects, facilities, how to contact us, the funding we receive and information on how AMTReL can help your business.
The Electric Machines and Drives Research Group conducts research into: variable-speed electric drive systems, electrical power generation plants for renewable energy sources and power electronic converters for interfacing the variable-speed drives and generators.
The Galaxy Formation and Evolution Research Group looks at population studies of dwarf galaxies up to the most massive clusters of galaxies, supermassive black holes and detailed modelling of the internal structure of galaxies. Discover more about our expertise, who we work with and meet the researchers.
This occupation is found in the commercial and leisure maritime sectors, including maritime regulators, classification societies, small commercial vessel certifying authorities, port authorities, marine insurers, brokers and consultancy companies, including large, medium-sized and small employers.
Discover our safeguarding policy and procedures to ensure student safety and support at LJMU.