SPRAT exciting new instrument arrives on Liverpool Telescope
The Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) has announced the successful commissioning of an exciting new instrument on the Liverpool Telescope (LT).
The Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) has announced the successful commissioning of an exciting new instrument on the Liverpool Telescope (LT).
The police staff, drawn from Nottinghamshire Police, West Midlands Police and British Transport Police, secured the scholarship opportunity under an initiative known as Project Harpocrates. The project seeks to support law enforcement efforts to recruit and retain staff in the highly specialist area of covert operations and specialist intelligence. Whilst the project was open to all officers one of the specific aims of the project is to increase the representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff (BAME) in this challenging and exciting area of investigation and intelligence management.
The university will host an event for the Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN) to further their work in addressing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) within academic-policy engagement.
LJMU is to hold its first Menopause Café to break down the taboo around menopause and to increase awareness of its impact.
The policy can be accessed via the LJMU Policy Centre.
Liverpool Business School student Imogen Payen has received a commendation from Counter Terrorism Policing's Director General, Richard Westlake.
International Relations and Politics with Sociology Lecturer, Dr Jan Ludvigsen, shared insights from his book this week with the LJMU community ahead of its release on Friday 8 April.
New and improved Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) for Module Leaders is now available on Webhub.
The Broadcast Hub is proving to be a useful tool for further raising the profile of the University, with Dr David Lowe conducting interviews with Sky News and broadcasters based in Istanbul and Dubai.
As LJMU continues its Bicentenary year, the next in a series of bespoke videos has been released, this time recognising the amazing achievement and celebration that is graduation at LJMU.