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  1. Are we alone? Professor Monica Grady delivers latest Roscoe lecture

    Are we alone? Is there the possibility of life elsewhere beyond the earth? This was the subject of a fascinating lecture on the cosmos and the universe in the latest Roscoe lecture at St Georges Hall, delivered by Monica Grady, Professor of Planetary and Space Sciences at the Open University (OU)

  2. A life of action

    The life of Eleanor Rathbone (1872-1946) was the subject of the latest Roscoe lecture, delivered by Dr Susan Cohen at St George’s Hall to mark the start of a year in celebration of her life. An audience of over 1,000 were given an insight into the achievements of this extraordinary Liverpool citizen who, born into a life of wealth and privilege, used her influence and position in society to campaign for social justice and dedicated her entire life to the service of others.

  3. Your LJMU January exam timetable

    LJMU’s assessment period will run from Wednesday 4 – Friday 13 January 2023 and personalised exam timetables are now available to view online.

  4. Celebrating Cultures Event 2022

    All staff and students are invited to LJMU's Celebrating Cultures Event on Wednesday 15 June as part of the Students at the Heart Conference.

  5. Lecturer's theatre show opens

    A production by an LJMU lecturer, based on the lived experiences of children who have a parent in prison, opens in theatres this month.

  6. Disability History Month at LJMU

    Disability History Month begins today (16 November – 16 December) and our Disabled Staff Network, EDI team and JMSU will be hosting an event on Friday 2 December.

  7. Maritime SuperSkills Project

    Event to celebrate the successful completion of the project at the Maritime Museum, Royal Albert Dock on 13th June 2019. Attended by Iain McKinnon, Secretary Maritime Skills Alliance, local and national employers and LJMU staff who have helped with the project.