New Neanderthal remains discovered
LJMU researchers discover new remains at the Shanidar Cave in the mountains of Iraq.
LJMU researchers discover new remains at the Shanidar Cave in the mountains of Iraq.
The 2019 Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is now open. The survey runs from Monday 1 April until Friday 10 May.
New guide helps practitioners navigate health pathways of 'Great Outdoors'
Plesiosaurs are an extinct group of marine reptiles from the age of dinosaurs who are famous for their long necks. The effect of such long necks on how these animals swam is a mystery but now computer simulations are helping LJMU scientists understand what would happen if a plesiosaur turned its head while swimming.
The final Roscoe Lecture of LJMU’s Bicentenary year was met with a rousing standing ovation at St George’s Hall.
Astronomers, including Professor Maurizio Salaris from the Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University, used the Hubble Space Telescope to photograph the globular star cluster NGC 6752 (located 13,000 light-years away in our Milky Way's halo).
Scientists downsize the Jurassic giant
Scientists in Liverpool have found that cocoa can increase oxygen uptake and make exercising easier for more sedentary people.
Important Dates and Actions Required
Join a week of online events and workshops from Monday 21 to Friday 25 October.