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  1. LJMU Women Academic Progression Symposium

    LJMUs Womens Professorial Network in association with the Women Academics Network, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Team and Pro VC of Research and Enterprise Professor Keith George, are proud to present the opportunity for all women academics and professional service staff at LJMU, to participate in the Universitys first ever virtual Women Academic Progression Symposium.

  2. diversity in maritime pledge

    LJMU has set out its commitment to promoting inclusivity in the maritime industry. The university has adopted the Diversity in Maritime Pledge

  3. Celebrating Cultures Event

    The celebrating cultures event this year had India, China, Canada, Pakistan, Colombia, Nepal, England, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lesotho, Scotland, Vietnam, Nigeria, Indonesia, Greece, Italy, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Iran, Somalia and Brazil being represented. Following this event, an international student wrote a reflection on their experience in participating.