Stefano Mariani
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Discover the Knowledge Transfer Partnership project that LJMU worked on with Prozone Sports.
School of Education
Working with businesses in Lancashire to create innovative low carbon goods, processes and services. Business assistance is free in most cases, find out how the LoCal-i project can help your company.
Learn more about race and racism in Liverpool and the UK.
Guidance on helping asylum seekers and refugees in primary care.
School of Humanities and Social Science
The School of Humanities and Social Science has a diverse range of courses within six key subject areas: English and Cultural History, Media, History, Culture and Communication, Policing Studies and Criminology and Sociology (Social Work and Social Policy).
Explore subject areas within the School of Humanities and Social Science.
Find out about the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion areas of interest, collaborations and projects, and meet the research team.