LJMU Teaching and Learning Academy formally launched
A one university approach for teaching and learning
A one university approach for teaching and learning
LJMU has the highest number of Hubble Fellowships in the UK, as one of their latest awards goes to an Astrophysics Research Institute student straight out of her PhD. Dr Emma Beasor was also the only UK student awarded a Fellowship this year.
A week out from potentially one of the most consequential US elections in history, academics from LJMU assess some of the key factors which may decide the outcome.
Plesiosaurs are an extinct group of marine reptiles from the age of dinosaurs who are famous for their long necks. The effect of such long necks on how these animals swam is a mystery but now computer simulations are helping LJMU scientists understand what would happen if a plesiosaur turned its head while swimming.
Staff-student project explores ways to enhance student engagement and satisfaction
World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that LJMU’s Public Health Institute (PHI) will continue to be recognised as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Violence Prevention.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Dr John Cater at Liverpool Cathedral on Monday 11 July 2016.
An LJMU Social Work student has received national recognition after winning a top prize at the prestigious Social Worker of the Year Awards.
Four talented LJMU Journalism students are about to embark on a fantastic opportunity - working alongside some of the biggest names in broadcasting at the BBC 6 Music festival.
An LJMU lecturer gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament this week on the importance of intergovernmental relations in light of Brexit and COVID-19.