Exam timetable now live
Exam timetables are now live for the semester two assessment period 2023.
Exam timetables are now live for the semester two assessment period 2023.
LJMU welcomes Shipping Minister to new look maritime hub
Dr Laura Pajon of the School of Justice Studies one of handful funded by ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Futures Research Centre
Stunning awards made from plant starch and containing copper nano-particles will be handed out at the Research and Knowledge Exchange awards next week.
Liverpool John Moores University is working with the Skcin cancer charity and the Clare Daly Foundation to roll out the Sun Safe Schools accreditation across primary schools in the Liverpool region, which will benefit up to 10,000 children.
Now available on the LJMU Policy Centre.
We have launched an exercise to learn about your experiences of working at the university.
Directed Study Week is an exciting programme of workshops and webinars designed to help students study more effectively and get better results.
To help reduce the spread of Covid, Public Health at Liverpool City Council are conducting a survey of LJMU students.
The Engagement of External Auditors for Non-Audit Work Policy has been revised.