Search the LJMU website

  1. Accommodation

    Search for accommodation to suit all student needs

  2. Faculty of Science Pedagogic Research Group

    The Faculty of Science Pedagogic Research Group is interested in education-related research within sciences and beyond. The group consists of academic staff from three science Schools and service teams with the Faculty and Registry.

  3. LJMU and a greener future

    Find out what LJMU is doing to reach net carbon zero by 2035 by reading the LJMU Climate Action Plan 2022-2035 and Summary documents.

  4. Earth Day 2018

    To celebrate Earth Day we share some of the stories we've covered over the past year on the environment and the projects our staff and students are working on to try to turn things around.

  5. Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group

    Find out more information about the Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group which aims to take a multidisciplinary approach to developing research in the areas of coaching and teacher education, pedagogical approaches to practice and issues linking to social justice and equality, diversity and inclusion.