Research in the School of Psychology
Research is a key priority for the School of Psychology. We collaborate with academics across the world. FInd out more about the research the School of PSychology at LJMU undertakes.
Research is a key priority for the School of Psychology. We collaborate with academics across the world. FInd out more about the research the School of PSychology at LJMU undertakes.
Find out more about NameCoach and how it works.
School of Psychology
The Sport Coaching Research Group undertakes research within PE, sports development and leisure studies with sports organisations and governing bodies including British Cycling, Sport England, and the Youth Sport Trust. Our expertise relates to inclusivity in sport, coaching, physical activity and children's movement.
In the Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology we're commited to conducting research at the frontiers of biological anthropology, catalysed by discovery-oriented field research. Find out about our expertise in social behaviour, ecology and conservation; human variation and evolution and forensic anthropology. Meet the researchers, read our publications and case studies and find out how you can work with us.
At LJMU we want everyone who studies here, works here and works with us, to feel respected, and to respect others. Find out more about this campaign.
Public Health Institute
Find out more about the programme for the Women's Physiology and Nutrition Symposium 2025.
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering