Liverpool Daily Post and Echo
Former Assistant Managing Director at Liverpool Daily Post & Echo Ltd, Mr Coligan was heavily involved in industrial relations and production changes during the 1980s.
Former Assistant Managing Director at Liverpool Daily Post & Echo Ltd, Mr Coligan was heavily involved in industrial relations and production changes during the 1980s.
Read the orations for Gillian Miller and Kevin Fearon on the award of their Honorary Fellowship form LJMU, the University's highest honour.
Find out about the undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of biochemistry, forensic science, pharmacy, biomedical science, virology, drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.
At Liverpool John Moores University we are committed to offering the best possible advice and guidance to teachers and their students. The Outreach Team can offer a wide range of workshops and presentations.
Are you interested in the world, and what makes it tick? Then a degree in International Relations and Politics is right for you!
At Liverpool Business School (LBS), we are committed to unlocking the potential of your managers, leaders and executives with our award-winning team of experts.
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology are proactive in addressing the gender imbalance in the engineering and technology sectors. Find out how.
Find out more about the past work and present projects carried out at the Drama and Performance Research Group, and learn about their unique expertise.
The research interests of the European, Public and International Law Research Group include: human rights, terrorism, collective security, European Criminal Law, EU Law, comparative law, regional government and more.
Can you help out as a control subject for our ventricular structure and mechanics study?