Success stories – Start-up hub
Discover how LJMU students turned their passion into successful businesses with support from the Start-up Hub.
Discover how LJMU students turned their passion into successful businesses with support from the Start-up Hub.
Welcome to our IT help and support section for students. Here you can see all of the IT services available to you to work from home or on campus as well as information about managing your LJMU account and how to ask an IT related question.
Based within the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion, Artivism seeks to explore new models of collaborative work between researchers, artists, curators, campaign groups and charities.
Unique Level 6 CPD programme that provides practitioners with a means to ensure earlier diagnosis of bowel cancer.
This continuing professional development (CPD) course will broaden your awareness and understanding of complex rehabilitation in a multi-disciplinary context.
Unique Level 6 CPD programme that provides practitioners with a means to ensure earlier diagnosis of bowel cancer.
Research is a key priority for the School of Psychology. We collaborate with academics across the world. FInd out more about the research the School of PSychology at LJMU undertakes.
It is a core goal of the Cellular and Molecular Physiology of Lifelong Health group to help translate science from the molecular level to practical ways to benefit the health of our local community and the greater population.
News and events within the Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History.
Subject resource guides and librarians listed by faculty and school.