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  1. Let’s Talk Disability and Mental Health

    A renowned comedian and writer, the Public Health England national lead for mental health and wellbeing and an LJMU Honorary fellow were among the impressive speakers that informed and enlightened almost 300 delegates at the Let's Talk Disability and Mental Health Conference.

  2. Staff Car Parking Update

    Following a recent review of LJMU staff car parking provision, the university will continue to subsidise staff car parking until 31 August 2023.

  3. Professional Services Conference 2019

    Registration is open for the 2019 Professional Services Conference, being held on Thursday 27th June in the Redmonds building. This year’s theme is “Leadership Matters” with a focus on resilience, health and wellbeing.

  4. Liverpool leaders share learnings from Reciprocal Mentoring

    The project, which began 14 months ago, saw leaders from across LJMU’s ELT paired with Black and ethnic minority Liverpool city leaders to share their lived experiences and inform policy and decision making at the university and beyond.

  5. Hundreds of local school pupils get taste of university

    LJMU welcomed almost five hundred Year 11 pupils to its Future Focus Days as part of the Universitys sustained widening access programme, giving young people an insight into the opportunities Higher Education can offer.