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  1. Rt Hon Frank Field MP

    Read the oration for Frank Field MP on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.

  2. Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences

    The Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES) are a world-leading research institute, highly ranked in REF 2014. Our research staff have been awarded the Research Team of the Year 2015 by Educate North. Find out more about our expertise, people who work here, publications, learning programmes and our services.

  3. Dame Gillian Oliver

    Read the oration for Dame Gillian Oliver on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  4. Before you arrive

    Prepare for your journey to LJMU with our Before You Arrive guide, offering essential information and tips for new students joining us.

  5. Pupil and heart: Autonomic correlates of listening effort

    Are you interested in taking part in a research project that aims to identify physiological indicators of listening effort? We are looking to recruit participants for a study that examines the heart- and pupil-related responses associated with effortful listening.