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  1. Fast response for career success

    Read Ian Binnington's story - with 20 years’ experience as a paramedic under his belt, you may think there wouldn’t be much more for him to learn about his sector. Already offered a new role as an Advanced Paramedic Practitioner, however, the MSc Advanced Healthcare student is living proof that masters study can transform your future.

  2. Postgraduate study - the right move for you?

    Whether you’ve considered postgraduate in the past or didn’t think it was right for you, why not log on to our live Q&A sessions 15/16 June and talk to our tutors and students about how postgraduate study could transform your future?

  3. CPD Advanced Health Care Practice

    This masters-level module is aimed at healthcare professionals who would like to expand their understanding of advanced practice within modern healthcare.

  4. Research degrees 

    ART LABS offers contemporary and innovative approaches to professional research, art practice and advanced study.

  5. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

    AMT is a world-leading research group which has focused on manufacturing technology since the 1970s. Read more about our projects, facilities, how to contact us, the funding we receive and information on how AMTReL can help your business.

  6. High performance computing at LJMU

    Prospero is LJMU’s high performance computing (HPC) facility for research. It is hosted and operated by the university’s IT Services (ITS) division, as a service to the university’s research community.