
MA Art in Science exhibition - ‘Fading Footsteps’

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John Lennon Art & Design Building view map and directions

17:00 - 17:00

‘Fading Footsteps’ by Suzanne Grace

Liverpool has a rich history where exotic animals have been central to many aspects of our lives including entertainment, scientific enquiry, and not least our city’s rich maritime heritage. But in recent decades there has been a growing sense of disconnectedness with these animals. Habitat destruction, human encroachment, the climate crisis and globalisation have accelerated primate species loss, and most of Africa's great ape species are now decreasing in number.

Visual art can be a powerful activist tool to combat biodiversity loss and foster greater emotional regard for non-human animals. This exhibition presents an auto-ethnographical account of a visit to Uganda. Personal meaning maps, paintings and films aim to stimulate awareness of endangered and vulnerable primate species and evoke increased empathy towards supporting conservation.

John Lennon Art & Design Building. Public preview 15th August 5pm-7pm. Open 16th-23rd August 9am-5pm (excluding weekends).

The MA Art in Science programme at Liverpool School of Art and Design, Liverpool John Moores University, brings artists and scientists together to collaborate across disciplines. The programme cultivates specialist, transferable skills directed towards future vocational opportunities; and facilitates transdisciplinary learning opportunities that are not often available to those singly defined as ‘artists’ or ‘scientists’. Read more at https://lsad.co.uk/programmes/ma-art-in-science/ and follow the programme on X, Instagram and Facebook @artinsciencema