Your safety at LJMU
LJMU is committed to developing and maintaining a work and study environment that enables staff and students to feel safe.
Faq Items
LJMU Security Services
Here at LJMU, we have a Security Service to help ensure our grounds are safe and secure at all times. The safeguarding of the university’s students, staff, visitors, property, and reputation is our utmost priority.
The University Security Centre is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Security Centre monitors all CCTV, intruder, and fire alarm systems across the university. There are four teams of security officers each managed by a security supervisor providing 24/7 response across all campus areas. All security personnel have received extensive training and there are qualified first aiders and fire marshals available at all times.
Security administration deals with IT, access control, CCTV, public enquiries, lost and found property, security advice, car park permits and ID cards.
Contact LJMU Security 24/7 for assistance, advice or to report a crime:
- Emergencies: 0151 231 2222 (Internal 2222)
- Security Control non emergencies: 0151 231 2083 / 2513
If you see or hear anything suspicious or are concerned about your own personal safety, or that of any friends, then it is important that you telephone the university emergency number on 2222 from any LJMU phone or 0151 231 2222 from your mobile or non-LJMU phone.
LJMU also has its own university police officer, Martin Triggs, with the aim of reducing incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour in and around the university, while also helping to build positive relationships between students, staff, and the local community.
PC Martin Triggs provides a friendly and approachable service to students. If you wish to speak to him directly, you can call the university security department on 0151 231 5649 / 5541 or email Martin.B.Triggs@merseyside.police.uk.
Campus security
Fire alarm activations
In the event of an emergency on campus, a continuous alarm will sound.
You are required to follow these steps:
- Evacuate the building immediately on hearing the alarm via the nearest safest route.
- If you discover or start a fire, immediately raise the alarm by operating the nearest manual call point. Contact Security on 2222 and tell them of the situation and location.
- Do not use lifts.
- Never return to collect personal belongings.
- Close doors on leaving to prevent smoke spreading.
- If you are unable to evacuate downstairs, send someone who is able to alert the fire wardens or fire evacuation coordinator who should be based near main exit doors, for example main reception area at the front of the building.
- Do not re-enter the building until you are instructed to do so by the fire evacuation coordinator, security staff or the Fire and Rescue Service. The silencing of the alarm is not an indication to re-enter the building.
If you have a mobility problem requiring assistance (even temporarily) to evacuate from a building in the event of a fire, you will need to liaise with staff to develop your own Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP). Contact the Safety, Health and Environment Department, who will assist you.
What to do in a medical emergency
The university has procedures in place – you could be the first person on the scene if a member of our university community becomes unwell or has an injury.
- Call 999 and request medical assistance.
- Then call 2222 and tell LJMU Security Services what has happened, and where you are.
- They will then help emergency medical staff navigate their way through the campus and find you.
Personal safety
Liverpool is a safe UK city and has been awarded Purple Flag status since 2010. Places awarded the status are recognised for responsibly providing a vibrant mix of entertainment while promoting the safety and wellbeing of visitors and local residents. However, like in any city around the world, crime does unfortunately occur. We hope that your time at LJMU will be an enjoyable and rewarding experience but it pays to be aware of your personal safety.
Top tips for staying safe
- Try to avoid walking by yourself late at night; walk with friends and ensure everybody gets home safely
- Record your mobile IMEI number (a unique ID code located on a strip normally found behind the battery of the handset)
- Safely store your mobile devices in your bag – ensure your bag is closed, and the items aren’t on show
- Use your mobile devices discretely and safely
- Carry cash, cards and important documents in a safe place, such as an inside pocket
- Always use licensed taxi drivers-black taxis which can be hailed on the street and private taxis (ordinary cars) which must be pre-booked. Contact the Liverpool Students’ Union for details on current deals with local taxi firms
- Ask your parents if their contents insurance covers your property - sometimes it’s cheaper to add it on to their policy
LJMU is committed to supporting students who have been the victim of sexual assault. Visit our Believe, Report, Support section to get information on help and support available if you have experienced an incidence of sexual violence.
Possessions security
Whether you live in halls or private accommodation, it is important to keep in mind your safety and the security of you and your possessions.
Keeping your stuff safe
- As a student you may have a number of expensive items in your possession such as Smartphones, games equipment, cameras, laptops, iPads, bikes etc. Register your items at immobilise.com. If your phone, bike, computer or any other registered item is lost or stolen, use Immobilise to instantly tell police, insurers, and the second-hand trade
- Record your mobile’s IMEI number (a unique ID code located on a strip normally found behind the battery of the handset)
- Use a UV pen to mark possessions with name, university and student ID number. This makes it harder for a burglar to sell stolen goods and can help the police to return items to you
- Safely store your mobile devices in your bag – ensure your bag is closed and the items aren’t on show
- Use your mobile devices discretely and safely
- Protect yourself with insurance, if the worst happens you will need to replace your stuff. It costs £900 to replace all the stuff stolen after an average burglary. Many insurance companies offer competitive offers to students, some starting from around £18 per year, insurance is cheaper so shop around. If you live in private accommodation please note that your contents will not be covered by the landlord’s insurance in the event of any burglaries as it is uncommon for landlords to provide tenants insurance as well. Ask your parents if their contents insurance covers your property - sometimes it’s cheaper to add it to their policy
- Make a list of possessions (including make, model and serial numbers) for reference. Ideally keep photographic records and where possible receipts of valuables
Home security
- Ensure that all windows are closed and locked where possible. Always lock your doors (even when you are at home) with deadbolts if you have them. If you live on the ground floor be extra vigilant about open windows.
- Use your burglar alarm if you have one. If you feel you don’t have adequate security, then ask your landlord to make the necessary improvements.
- Make sure your TV and other valuables can’t be seen from the outside (when it’s dark close curtains, and try to leave a light on).
- Ensure that back doors/access is secure and request the installation of deadbolts and window locks. Be aware of the external spaces in your accommodation, such as alleyways, backyards, gates and ensure that access to these are secure.
- If your accommodation is shared access, be careful who you let in to communal areas and be wary of people following you in (known as tailgating). Never let strangers in without checking who they are and requesting ID.
- Invest in a timer switch to leave a light or a radio on so that it seems as if someone is in.
Useful links
Staying safe online
While the internet is a necessary and brilliant tool, it’s increasingly important to be aware of your online identity. We’ve got some tips to help you stay safe online and protect your online reputation:
Use appropriate platforms for the different parts of your life, e.g. your LinkedIn will probably portray a side of you that is not seen on Snapchat.
If you’d rather keep some parts of your life more private, use appropriate privacy settings and maybe an alias not associated with your full name.
Abuse that targets a person because of their disability, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation or transgender identity is classified as a hate crime. If you witness sexist, racist or other abuse on social media:
- Don’t ‘like’, respond or share
- Report abuse to the social media platform, the police and to LJMU. Visit reportharmfulcontent.com for more information
Intimate image abuse, known as ‘revenge porn’ is the act of sharing (or threatening to share) intimate images or videos without consent with the intention of causing distress. Intimate image abuse is against the law and can result in up to two years in prison.
What to do if someone is threatening to share your images:
- Don’t give in to their demands. Do not give them any money, it will just encourage them to ask you for more
- Block them and report them to the platforms for threats. Take screenshots of any messages and shared content as evidence
- Report to the police. Call the non-emergency number on 101
- If your images have been shared, there is help for you to get them taken down. Contact help@revengepornhelpline.org.uk or call 0345 6000 459 Monday to Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm
- Find support at LJMU. Speak to Student Advice and Wellbeing services who are here to offer support free of judgement