Advertise your job, internship or volunteering opportunity

Your ad could be seen by 24,000+ highly skilled, industry-ready students and graduates, so post your ad today.

If you are looking to recruit a student or graduate who has impressive academic qualifications and industry experience, then advertise your opportunities on our vacancies website.

Please note
Whether you have a part-time, full-time or holiday job, an internship or volunteering position available, the service is free to use.

Advertise your position

Vacancies you can advertise

  • Full time, part-time or holiday paid work.
  • Paid internships.
  • Work placements.
  • Voluntary positions with charities and not for profit organisations.
  • Sandwich or industrial placements.
  • Work experience.
  • Casual work.
  • Graduate programmes.                                 

Our students’ skills, experience and strengths

Our high-calibre students have a lot to offer you.

  • Our students are experts in a variety of disciplines. Browse through our course list to find out what they have studied.
  • 92% of our students are in work or further study six months after they graduate.

Make sure you’ve read our terms and conditions.

Why you should advertise your vacancy

  • Your ad could be seen by 20,000 talented and experienced students.
  • All of our degrees include work related learning, which means our students have up-to-date industry experience.
  • Your ad will get maximum exposure because our system not only lets you advertise your position to our students and graduates, but you can also advertise your opportunity with our partner universities.
  • The service is free.
  • You can track how well your job ad is doing via your dashboard, seeing how many views and clicks your vacancy has received.

Tips and help on using our vacancies service